a black and white photo of a sign that says coming soon
def calculate_life_path_number(birthdate):
    # Split the birthdate into day, month, and year
    day, month, year = birthdate.day, birthdate.month, birthdate.year

    # Reduce day, month, and year to single digits
    def reduce_to_single_digit(number):
        while number > 9:
            number = sum(int(digit) for digit in str(number))
        return number
    reduced_day = reduce_to_single_digit(day)
    reduced_month = reduce_to_single_digit(month)
    reduced_year = reduce_to_single_digit(year)

    # Sum the reduced values and reduce to a single digit
    life_path_number = reduce_to_single_digit(reduced_day + reduced_month + reduced_year)
    return life_path_number

# Example calculation for May 10, 1985
from datetime import datetime
example_date = datetime(1985, 5, 10)